Thank you for helping us complete the largest expansion in Harbor Hall’s history!

“I was very, very desperate for help.”
A message from Misty (client) and Peter Bucci (Executive Director).

The New Horizons Project

Traditionally, Harbor Hall provided residential care for men only. The New Horizons project has doubled our capacity and expanded our services. We now have a full continuum of care on our campus, including a new women’s residential care building and a new independent living apartment building for people transitioning back into the community.

Construction Milestones 2019-2023

Campaign Leadership

Honorary Co-Chairs

Fay Buhl (in memoriam)
Suzie Carruthers
Bob Ford

Campaign Co-Chairs

Jack Carruthers
Chip Everest
Lee Ford
Tim Kepford
Betsy Saal

Honorary Committee

Annie Adams
Amy Buhl
McCall Brown
Julie Desimpel
Andy Driver
Suzanne Hug
Paul Matthews
Jane McDonald
Lynn Mullen
Joan Quinlan
Cynthia Schafer
Steve and Dora Schott Tracy Souder


Endorsement Council

Charlevoix County Sheriff Department
Charlevoix Police Department
Cheboygan County Sheriff Department
Cheboygan Police Department
Christ Child Society of Northern Michigan
Community Recovery Alliance
Health Department of Northwest Michigan
Holy Childhood of Jesus Catholic Church
Michael Behrmann, Superintendent, Harbor Springs Public Schools
Nathan’s House Boyne City
Northern Community Mediation
Petoskey First Presbyterian Church
Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation
St. Francis Xavier Parish
The Nehemiah Project
The Salvation Army
Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan